Welcome to Compassion Chapel!

Compassion Chapel is a part of the Hmong District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance with whom we partner to advance all of Jesus for all the world.

Our vision is to be a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, multi-site family that embraces and empowers people into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to reach people to embrace the gospel to make disciples.

The mission is not of our own, but it is Jesus. He has already established the mission and purpose of the church. The mission of the church is more than a mission statement written down on the bulletin board or on the wall of the hallway. It is the fabrication of the good work of the Holy Spirit that resides in every believer to continue the work of Christ and stand as the ambassador of the image of Christ as salt and light for the world.  The church exists to make Christ known because He is supreme over all. Scripture says that God gave Jesus “as head over all things to the church, which is his body” (Eph. 1:22-23). Jesus founded the Church. He is head of the Church because of his primary role in our creation and our redemption. He brought forth the Church and gave it life through his death and resurrection.

Therefore, as Christ's Body, we share in his work. Through us, the Church, Christ continues the work of salvation. He speaks and acts through us. Through us, Christ shows forth the love of God for mankind. United with Jesus in his suffering, someday we will share his glory. In Him, we live and demonstrate compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. We draw forth our life, ministry, and passion from him because of our vital union in Him. He is the vine, and we are the branches. We strive to resemble Him.